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Zika Virus Testing and Sexual Transmission

"At present, Zika virus testing for the assessment of risk for sexual transmission is of uncertain value, because current understanding of the duration and pattern of shedding of Zika virus in the male and female genitourinary tract is lim- ited. Therefore, testing of specimens to assess risk for sexual transmission is currently not recommended.

Zika virus testing is recommended for persons who have had possible sexual exposure to Zika virus and who develop signs or symptoms consistent with Zika virus disease.§§ All pregnant women should be tested if they have had possible exposure to Zika virus, including sexual exposure. CDC urges health care providers to report to local and state health departments all cases of Zika virus disease, including those suspected to have occurred by sexual transmission. "

 See Update: Interim Guidance for Prevention of Sexual Transmission of Zika Virus - United States, July 2016 

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