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Discussion-> Sally S. Cherry, BS, MT(ASCP)'s Personal Blog

"Real to Virtual to Real" in the STI Laboratory

Sally S. Cherry, BS, MT(ASCP) on June 04, 2016 at 12:47:05 AM

In observance of the 2016 National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week, the “Virtual Lab Training, Career Recruitment and Retention (VLTC) Project” is being expanded to a nine (9) region based in the 3D virtual world grid, Kitely.  As a medical laboratory professional and tech "geek", the search for technology-based solutions has been the focus of Sally S. Cherry, BS, MT(ASCP) for the past twenty (20) years. The exploration and use of 3D virtual worlds technology offered numerous potential applications in capacity building; training; information-sharing; and community building regardless of physical location. 

The existing VLTC Project includes the “Virtual Laboratory Training and Career Center”, a 3D virtual-based component of my "Real to Virtual; Virtual to Real in Laboratory Science" integration program. The overall mission of the Project is to facilitate clinical laboratory training; showcase medical laboratory resources; share laboratory/medical information and promote medical laboratory science careers.

Upon completion of the current expansion, the nine-region virtual world will include a hypergrid (HG) portal/welcome area; STI Lab Training & Career Center (currently located in CHARE Village - CHAREproject.org); STI Clinical Building; STI Microbe exhibits; Public Health Tech Center (CHeTARE Project); Marketplace; Researchers' offices; STI Prevention Center; meeting spaces and more. The Project's expansion will be conducted and managed by the real life and avatar Sally S. Cherry, MT(ASCP) dba Cherry Consulting Network.

An exciting "Real to Virtual; Virtual to Real" Experience in the STI Lab"!


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